Art Parts bookmark
Bookmark for eco-friendly non-profit
2” x 8”
New design for Art Parts Creative Reuse Center, making sure to incorporate their signage’s blue and convey the variety of things they sell.
Front: Custom lettering physically built and photographed to pop forward, paired with bespoke illustrations in a contrasting style to appeal to a variety of audiences and reflect Art Parts’ quirky brand.
Back: Designed to differentiate from the reverse side, but with carefully selected fonts that share qualities with the custom font to maintain a connection between the two. Treatment of the bilingual text was simplified and organized to feel on equal footing for the patrons.
Results: Less than half a year in, Art Parts reordered another thousand due to the bookmark’s popularity—something they never had to do for prior bookmark designs.

Top: front with custom lettering and illustrations
Bottom: bilingual back with careful font pairing to connect to the custom lettering