Design studio of Dorothea Lee


fartherMORE’s design blog of visual experiments, wonders, and the occasional throwback.

Wonderings: Arts + Being

Came across some inspiration and great truths in the commencement speech by Teresita Fernández (and highlights article by Maria Popova) at via my talented friend, Lisa Maione:

An artist’s work is...focusing on how to hone your quirky creative obsessions so that they eventually become so oddly specific that they can only be your own.
— Teresita Fernández
We live in a meritocratic society, where accomplishments are constantly being measured externally...where comfort and lifestyle are often mistaken for success, or even happiness. Don’t be fooled. Our ideas regarding success should be our own, and I urge you to pursue it simultaneously from both the inside and the outside...
— Teresita Fernández
...being human is the wider circle within which being an artist resides, and that our art is always the combinatorial product of the fragments of who we are, of our combinatorial character...
— Maria Popova

Here's to pursuing and honing our quirky creative obsessions, defining our own version of success, and embracing the holistic experience of being more than just our careers!
