Design studio of Dorothea Lee


fartherMORE’s design blog of visual experiments, wonders, and the occasional throwback.

Posts in fails

I’ve been going through my catalog of work and found myself revisiting years of corporate design for Forrester Research. A part of me was hoping for some diamond-in-the-rough worthy of putting up in the portfolio or that would at least demonstrate my conceptualizing strengths. While there are a few of the latter, the designs that made the final cut are aesthetically or creatively “limited” in order to fit the corporate client and audience, and ultimately do not portray my full potential and the work that I can do. It’s easy to feel a bit disappointed that years of work are not worth showing off, but I have to believe that the final designs were the direct result of each side speaking their mind. While what I said probably held some sway, ultimately they had the last word, and I think that fits the idea of design as a service. I have no regrets, and I’m not afraid to pick up future projects that I know won’t win awards or attention to my portfolio. These less tangible victories are why:

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